Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Updating for 1.07

So I finally got around to playing the expansion pack the other day and it most certainly was not worth the 15 dollars.  The new maps werent bad but after one rotation through I already had enough.

Anyway there is supposed to be news on the mod tools sometime soon from pcdev on twitter.  In the meantime I am going to merge my codebase with the 1.07 gsc scripts that have leaked.  It should help the speed up the process when the tools are actually released.  I won't be able to do anything with the new maps until the release since my testing environment is still running 1.02.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Still waiting....

Just wanted to do a quick post to say I'm still around.  Watching the treyarch forums.  It's quite pathetic how long treyarch is taking to release the tools.  Oh well.  I'm beginning to wonder if there will be anyone left playing the game by the time the tools come out :/