here are the dvars I have added to the game, anything marked [unconfirmed] was coded but was not able to be tested

dvar: gm_readyup_enabled default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables readyup during pregame, halftime, and overtime

dvar: gm_readyup_show_enemy_guids default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int          
description: during readyup if this is enabled, pressing [actionslot2] will show the other teams guids on screen

dvar: gm_players_alive_hud_enabled default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: during gameplay a hud will show the amount of teammates and enemies that are alive
dvar: gm_main_hud_enabled default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables the hud that shows the mod info and config running in the corner
dvar: gm_knife_autoaim_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables the auto lunge for the knife

dvar: gm_knife_autoaim_range default: 128, min: 0 max: 10000 vartype: int
description: changes the range that the auto lung kicks in for the knife [unconfirmed]

dvar: gm_knife_use_hitbox_modifiers default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: makes it so knife is not an automatic kill and will use the hitbox modifiers listed below
//ambient effects
dvar: gm_fx_ambient_sound_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables all ambient sound in the level (basically anything that doesnt help you play the game)

dvar: gm_fx_volumetric_fog_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables the fog that makes things far away appear not very clear

dvar: gm_fx_visual_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables all extra visual effects like flames, floating pieces of paper, sparks, etc
//map specific
dvar: gm_map_launch_rocket_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables the rocket going off on mp_launch

dvar: gm_map_wmd_train_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
descriptions: enables/disables the train on mp_wmd

dvar: gm_map_radiation_digger_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables the massive digger in the background (this generates a lot of noise)
//hit blips
dvar: gm_hitblips_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables hitmarkers when u damage an enemy

dvar: gm_hitblips_lethal_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables hitmarkers for lethal nades damaging enemies (only applies if hitblips are enabled)

dvar: gm_hitblips_tactical_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables hitmarkers for tactical nades damaging enemies (only applies if hitblips are enabled)

dvar: gm_hitblips_penetration_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables hitmarkers bullets that penetrate through walls or anything else in game
//hitbox modifiers
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_enabled default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enable/disable the following damage modifications
description: the following modify the damage % of each hitbox area (note: its a % of the hardcoded value)
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_helmet default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_head default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_neck default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_torso_upper default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_right_arm_upper default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_left_arm_upper default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_right_arm_lower default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_left_arm_lower default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_right_hand default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_left_hand default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_gun default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_torso_lower default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_right_leg_upper default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_left_leg_upper default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_right_leg_lower default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_left_leg_lower default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_right_foot default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
dvar: gm_hitbox_damage_mod_left_foot default: 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float

//game "items/perks"
description: every dvar in this section works the same way, by default 99 players can have that item/perk
in their loudout per team.  if the dvar is set to 0, no one can use the item/perk
note: weapon drops can be disabled for limits under 99
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_silencer default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_grip default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_extended_mags default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_reddot default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_reflex default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_dual_mags default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_acog default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int  
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_masterkey default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int  
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_flamethrower default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int  
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_infared default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int  
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_gren_launcher default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int  
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_var_zoom default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int  
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_dual_wield default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int  
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_rapid_fire default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
//pistol attachments
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_snub_nose default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_speed_reloader default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_full_auto_upg default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_attachments_allow_upg_iron_sights default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_lethal_allow_frag default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_lethal_allow_semtex default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_lethal_allow_tomahawk default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int

dvar: gm_tactical_allow_willy_pete default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_tactical_allow_nova_gas default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_tactical_allow_flashbang default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_tactical_allow_concussion default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_tactical_allow_decoy default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int

dvar: gm_equipment_allow_camera_spike default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_equipment_allow_c4 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_equipment_allow_tac_insert default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_equipment_allow_jammer default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_equipment_allow_motion_sensor default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_equipment_allow_claymore default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_assault_allow_ak47 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_assault_allow_aug default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_assault_allow_commando default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_assault_allow_enfield default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_assault_allow_famas default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_assault_allow_fnfal default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_assault_allow_galil default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_assault_allow_m14 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_assault_allow_m16 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_assault_allow_g11 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_shotgun_allow_olympia default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_shotgun_allow_spas default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_shotgun_allow_stakeout default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_shotgun_allow_hs10 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_lmg_allow_hk21 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_lmg_allow_m60 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_lmg_allow_rpk default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_lmg_allow_stoner63 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_smg_allow_ak74u default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_smg_allow_kiparis default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_smg_allow_mac11 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_smg_allow_mp5k default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_smg_allow_mpl default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_smg_allow_skorpion default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_smg_allow_spectre default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_smg_allow_uzi default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_smg_allow_pm63 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_sniper_allow_dragunov default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_sniper_allow_l96a1 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_sniper_allow_wa2000 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_sniper_allow_psg1 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_pistol_allow_asp default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_pistol_allow_cz75 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_pistol_allow_m1911 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_pistol_allow_python default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_pistol_allow_makarov default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_launcher_allow_china_lake default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_launcher_allow_rpg default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_launcher_allow_strela default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_launcher_allow_m72 default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_special_allow_ballistic_knife default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_special_allow_crossbow default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
//these are all the "specialties" built into the game.. some perks actually contain
//multiple specialities, properks always contain more than one
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_armorpiercing default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_armorvest default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_bulletaccuracy default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_bulletdamage default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_bulletflinch default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_bulletpenetration default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_copycat default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_delayexplosive default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_detectexplosive default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_disarmexplosive default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_explosivedamage default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_extraammo default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_extramoney default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_fallheight default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_fastads default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_fastinteract default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_fastmantle default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_fastmeleerecovery default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_fastreload default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_fastweaponswitch default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_finalstand default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_fireproof default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_flakjacket default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_gambler default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_gas_mask default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_gpsjammer default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_grenadepulldeath default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_healthregen default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_holdbreath default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_killstreak default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_longersprint default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_loudenemies default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_movefaster default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_nomotionsensor default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_noname default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_nottargetedbyai default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_pin_back default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_pistoldeath default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_quieter default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_reconnaissance default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_rof default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_scavenger default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_shades default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_shellshock default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_showenemyequipment default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_showonradar default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_sprintrecovery default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_stunprotection default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_twoattach default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_twogrenades default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_twoprimaries default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_specialty_allow_unlimitedsprint default: 99 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_concussion_radius default: 512 min: 0 max: 1024 vartype: int
description: how big the effect radius of the concussion nade is

dvar: gm_concussion_max_duration default: 0 min: 0 max: 10 vartype: int
description: the max length the concussion effect can be applied to a player

dvar: gm_flash_max_duration default: 0 min: 0 max: 10 vartype: int
description: max length the flash effect can be applied to a player
dvar: gm_concussion_sound_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: turn off the sound effects applied when you are concussed [unconfirmed]

dvar: gm_flash_sound_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: turn off the sound effects applied when you are affected by the flash [unconfirmed]

dvar: gm_headbob_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables headbob while walking/running

dvar: gm_fall_damage_min_height default: 256 min: 0 max: 99999 vartype: int
description: adjusts the minimum height where you will take the minimum damage

dvar: gm_fall_damage_max_height default: 480 min: 0 max: 99999 vartype: int
description: adjusts the height where you will start taking the maximum damage (death)

dvar: gm_allow_red_enemy_crosshairs default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables the crosshairs from turning read when placed over an enemy, also disables showing enemy names
//gametype specific
dvar: gm_ctf_allow_flag_drop default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: allow dropping the flag with [actionslot3]

dvar: gm_ctf_round_based_scoring default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: if true the team to win the most rounds win the game, if false the team with the highest score wins

dvar: gm_ctf_ot_suddendeath default: 1 min: 0 max: 9999 vartype: int
description: if true the first team to score wins.. otherwise 2 more halfs are played
dvar: gm_tdm_round_based_scoring default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: if true the team to win the most rounds win the game, if false the team with the highest score wins

dvar: gm_dom_round_based_scoring default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: if true the team to win the most rounds win the game, if false the team with the highest score wins

dvar: gm_koth_round_based_scoring default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: if true the team to win the most rounds win the game, if false the team with the highest score wins

dvar: gm_sd_allow_bomb_drop default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: allow dropping the bomb in single bomb mode with [actionslot 3]
dvar: gm_sd_hide_briefcase default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: hides the briefcase when planting/defusing

dvar: gm_sd_sounds_plant_enabled default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables a sound to be triggered when planting

dvar: gm_sd_sounds_defuse_enabled default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables a sound to be triggered when defusing

dvar: gm_sd_sounds_plant_looptime default: 1.5 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
description: how often the plant sound plays, if 0 it only plays once

dvar: gm_sd_sounds_defuse_looptime default: 1.5 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
description: how often the defuse sound plays, if 0 it only plays once

dvar: gm_sd_strat_time default: 0 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
description: the amount of seconds strat time is, if 0 it is disabled.. players will not be able to move during this period
dvar: gm_dem_hide_briefcase default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: hides the briefcase when planting/defusing

dvar: gm_dem_sounds_plant_enabled default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables a sound to be triggered when planting

dvar: gm_dem_sounds_defuse_enabled default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables a sound to be triggered when defusing

dvar: gm_dem_sounds_plant_looptime default: 1.5 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
description: how often the plant sound plays, if 0 it only plays once

dvar: gm_dem_sounds_defuse_looptime default: 1.5 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float
description: how often the defuse sound plays, if 0 it only plays once

dvar: gm_sab_allow_bomb_drop default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: allows dropping the bomb with [actionslot3]

dvar: gm_sab_hide_briefcase default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: hides the briefcase when planting/defusing

dvar: gm_sab_sounds_plant_enabled default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables a sound to be triggered when planting

dvar: gm_sab_sounds_defuse_enabled default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables a sound to be triggered when defusing

dvar: gm_sab_sounds_plant_looptime default: 1.5 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float  
description: how often the plant sound plays, if 0 it only plays once

dvar: gm_sab_sounds_defuse_looptime default: 1.5 min: 0.0 max: 100.0 vartype: float  
description: how often the defuse sound plays, if 0 it only plays once

dvar: gm_sab_show_2D_bombsites default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables the bombsite icons on the minimap

dvar: gm_sab_show_3D_bombsites default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables the bombsite icons that show up in the 3d world

//Once the time is up for a round, an OT mode kicks in.  Spawn time will increase
//by [gm_sab_comp_mode_spawnincrease] seconds every [gm_sab_comp_mode_incrementtime]
//seconds until [gm_sab_comp_mode_maxspawntime] is reached

dvar: gm_sab_comp_mode_enabled default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables the comp style mode (my cod4 comp mod), if false sudden death is enabled once time is up

dvar: gm_sab_comp_mode_spawnincrease default: 5 min: 0.5 max: 9999.0 vartype: float      
description: time the spawn time is increased each iteration

dvar: gm_sab_comp_mode_maxspawntime default: 60 min: 0 max: 9999.0 vartype: float  
description: the highest spawn time that can be used

dvar: gm_sab_comp_mode_incrementtime default: 60 min: 5 max: 9999.0 vartype: float  
description: how often the spawn time increases

dvar: gm_sab_enemy_bomb_carrier_visible default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables the bomb icon that shows up on the minimap and over the bomb carriers head
description: limits the amount of each primary weapon type players can take per team, general class limits
are disabled if it is -1.  Weapon drops can be disabled on classes with limits under 99 (and not -1)
dvar: gm_class_limits_assault default: -1 min: -1 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_class_limits_smg default: -1 min: -1 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_class_limits_lmg default: -1 min: -1 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_class_limits_shotgun default: -1 min: -1 max: 99 vartype: int
dvar: gm_class_limits_sniper default: -1 min: -1 max: 99 vartype: int

//starting ammo
dvar: gm_equipment_starting_count default: -1 min: -1 max: 2 vartype: int
description: how many equipment items you start off with, if -1 you get the default value

dvar: gm_tactical_starting_count default: -1 min: -1 max: 2 vartype: int
description: how many tactial nades you start off with, if -1 you get the default value

dvar: gm_lethal_starting_count default: -1 min: -1 max: 2 vartype: int  
description: how many lethal nades you start off with, if -1 you get the default value

dvar: gm_primary_ammo_starting_count default: -1 min: -1 max: 9999 vartype: int
description: how much primary ammo you start off with, if -1 you get the default value.
note: you are still limited by the max ammo for the gun type (shotgun/sniper)

dvar: gm_sidearm_ammo_starting_count default: -1 min: -1 max: 9999 vartype: int
description: how much secondary ammo you start off with, if -1 you get the default value
note: you are still limited by the max ammo for the secondary type (crossbow/launcher)
dvar: gm_popups_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables the popups when you get a kill/assist/firstblood etc

dvar: gm_battlechatter_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables players from yelling out random useless info and giving their positions away in game

dvar: gm_silent_ads default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables no footsteps when walking while ADS
[bug note: with ambient sounds off you can still hear the steps if you blast the volume.. you can hear people with ninja too]
dvar: gm_restricted_weapon_drops_enabled default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int  
description: disables weapon drops on weapons/classes that are limited

dvar: gm_tactical_drops_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables tactical pickups with scavenger pro

dvar: gm_lethal_drops_enabled default: true min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: enables/disables lethal pickups with scavenger
dvar: gm_timeout_count default: 0 min: 0 max: 99 vartype: int
description: the amount of timeouts teach team gets per map

dvar: gm_timeout_duration default: 60 min: 0 max: 9999 vartype: int
description: length of timeout period
dvar: gm_overtime_enabled default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: turns on my overtime mode which lets you change the basic gameplay setttings for overtime
ot dvars:
dvar: gm_sv_cheats_notifier default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: notifies everyone in the server if sv_cheats is enabled

dvar: gm_event_notifications default: false min: 0 max: 1 vartype: int
description: adds text notifications for important gametype events since the announcer can be very delayed
notifications show up where the kills are shown