Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gametype improvements

For some reason treyarch did not add the ability to do multiple rounds for dom tdm or hq so I added that in.

Now every gametype besides dm can use these dvars

scr_ + gametype + _roundlimit
scr_ + gametype + _roundswitch

Treyarch also seemed to think the only way to win a game is by round wins.  So I put in the ability (for tdm, ctf, dom, and hq) to just go by overall score to determine the map winner. 

setdvar("gm_ctf_round_based_scoring", false);
setdvar("gm_tdm_round_based_scoring", false);
setdvar("gm_koth_round_based_scoring", false);
setdvar("gm_dom_round_based_scoring", false);

if the dvar is set to false, the roundlimit set is taken literally ie: if roundlimit = 2 for ctf you will get 2 halfs that are always played.  If its tied after 2, it will go into overtime.

if the dvar is set to false, the roundlimit is assumed to include the overtime round. That's how it was in stock gameplay.  So if the roundlimit is set to 3.  You will play 2 rounds.  If each team splits winning a round it will go into a 3rd overtime.  However if team A wins round 1 and ties round 2, it does not go into overtime (this is how it is in stock).

Roundswitch will swap the side of the map you are on.

Next on my list is custom overtime rules

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